8th/9th Grade band
During their final year at Halsey Junior High, 8th and 9th graders perform the most challenging repertoire. They serve as fine examples of what is possible when we study music seriously for several years. The 8th/9th grade band performs at all school band concerts.. Top students will be invited to perform in Jazz Band, which rehearses Mondays. Finally, all students are prepared to continue their music studies in high school.
Student Contract - 8th and 9th grade students and families may download this document to learn more about what is required in 8th/9th grade band.
High School Band Information - Relevant information for students auditioning for performing arts schools like LaGuardia, and other schools with strong band programs.
Click here for fingering charts
Student Contract - 8th and 9th grade students and families may download this document to learn more about what is required in 8th/9th grade band.
High School Band Information - Relevant information for students auditioning for performing arts schools like LaGuardia, and other schools with strong band programs.
Click here for fingering charts